The Godfather II

Game Review by Craig Wilson | 23 Apr 2009
The Godfather II
Game title: The Godfather II
Publisher: EA
Release date: Out now
Price: £49.99

The Godfather II is one of the most perfect films ever made; an elegant, complex and thoughtful meditation on the corruption of power packed with career defining performances. Now imagine for a second that it was in fact directed by Michael Bay who decided to replace the subtle performances and clever dialogue with car chases, shoot outs and Nicolas Cage, and you'll be no where near close to just how much of a molestation of a classic film this game is.

The Godfather II, courtesy of those marketing execs pretending to be game developers at EA, is not just a pillaging of the film, but a shameless rip-off of GTA without any of the style or substance that made that game good. You play as Dominic, a character-less minion who has been challenged to completely ignore the plot of the film and go about taking over businesses in Liberty City, Vice City (oh, sorry I mean New York and Miami) and Cuba.

You'll spend most of the game driving from location to location, with sluggish, simple driving mechanics completly devoid of fun. Then going through the identical pattern of entering the establishment, shooting all the other families goons and threatening the owner until he promises to pay you money every day. This process of taking over businesses, and later defending them from far too frequent attacks, is pretty much the entire game and it gets very dull and repetitive, very quickly.




For more reviews:

TestFreaks: 7.2/10

Eurogamer: 4/10

IGN: 7.7/10