The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Why would you want a bonus level when you don’t like the one you’re playing?

Game Review by Keir Hind | 29 Jul 2008
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Game title: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
Release date: Out Now
Price: £49.99

Prince Caspian is a little better than the average movie tie-in. But not by much. The graphics are neat enough, but the game itself is only so-so, hardly worth your cash. The gameplay is overly simplistic – basically you charge around swinging a sword, mace, axe or other heavy metal thing to fight, and you seem to solve the puzzle elements of the game while doing so. There are several bonus levels to unlock, but these are a total chore - why would you want a bonus level when you don’t like the one you’re playing? And you won’t like the one you’re playing. This is only really for people who harbour secret fantasies about becoming a centaur, or crazy fans of C.S Lewis. But it’s aimed at the gift market – it’s for clueless parents to buy for kids who have seen the film. Don’t bother, mums and dads! Or anyone else. [Keir Hind]

Read The Skinny's review of the Prince Caspian movie here.