Super Smash Bros Brawl

Game Review by Craig Wilson | 11 Jul 2008
smash bros
Game title: Super Smash Bros: Brawl
Publisher: Nintendo
Release date: 27/06/2008
Price: RRP £34.99

After a long wait and more delays than an Easyjet flight, Brawl has finally hit the European market, and what's better is that it's worth the wait. The multiplayer, Brawl's core element, follows the same formula as always; beating the living hell out of your opponents until they are hurled into oblivion. The action is fast, frantic, colourful and never dull. With the ability to choose from 35 of video game history's greatest characters such as Mario, Sonic, Link, Snake and er… Marth, you’re soon to find someone who complements your fighting style, from fast and furious Captain Falcon to the massive, minion spawning hulk that is King Dedede. The brawling itself takes place on around thirty beautiful stages that vary from star ships diving through the middle of a space battle, to the village from Animal Crossing. Any number of items and power-ups are at your disposal, while most of the rules, from damage meters to gravity are entirely customisable. Some have suggested that the single player is a let down, but while it may not be as engaging as fighting your friends, there are still plenty of events and extras, along with the lengthy single player campaign, which provide the perfect kind of pick-up-and-play style for relaxing after a long day. Brawl has so much to it that you’ll still be trying new things weeks after you buy it, so what seems at face value like a cheesy, colourful beat-em-up turns out to be one of the deepest experiences of the year.