Final Fantasy IV

Game Review by Neil Robertson | 24 Sep 2008
Final fantasy iv
Game title: Final Fantasy IV
Publisher: Square-Enix
Release date: out now
Price: £29.99

At it's heart, Final Fantasy IV is a typical Japanese Role-Playing Game (JRPG). Indeed the original set down many of the foundations that would become staples of the genre. The player takes control of Cecil the Dark Knight and captain of the Red Wings who, through a series of increasingly epic adventures, sets off to get the girl, kill the baddie and save the entire planet. In doing so Cecil gathers about him a group of various characters each with their own unique classes and abilities who, during the course of the game, transform from novices scared of their own shadows into globe-spanning titans of immense power.

The fight system will be instantly familiar to anyone who has ever played a Final Fantasy game, based as it is around random encounters and an active time battle system (which means that once in a fight, each character has a gauge which slowly builds until an action such as attacking or casting a spell can be chosen).

Indeed much of the game will be familiar to fans of the role-playing genre, from the world map exploration to the dungeon crawling, and what this game basically offers is a nostalgia-laced trip to old school gamingville. This is a classic JRPG in every sense, complete with a taxing difficulty level which may scare off the faint at heart. Those who persevere will however be rewarded with an outstanding gaming experience.

The updated visuals are both lush and impressive, giving added depth and detail to the original, and pushing the boundaries for a 3D game on the DS.


Read external Final Fantasy 4 reviews on ciao.