To Have and To Hold

Blog by Slutty McWhore | 29 Oct 2008
Slutty McWhore Issue 38

Whenever a man comes to see me for a handjob, he assumes that only he and I will be in the massage room together. However, there is always a third person there, and her shadowy, intangible presence makes me feel uncomfortable every time. Sometimes I forget about her for a few minutes, but she never lets me neglect her for very long. Yes, she is always there ... The Wife ... reprimanding me silently for laying my hands on her husband’s body.

Despite being so intimately acquainted with what is presumably nearest and dearest to her, I know surprisingly little about The Wife. What I do know I have only managed to piece together from the fragments of information my clients give me. She is a strange and selfish creature, this Wife. Apparently, she does not offer up her body often enough for her husband’s liking or, worse still, she no longer offers it at all. There was once a time, the husbands tell me, when The Wife was more accommodating and eager to please, but having children soon put paid to this.

At first, it struck me as very curious that there should exist such a large number of uncooperative, unappreciative wives in the world. A tiny seed of doubt began to grow at the back of my mind – "Why do these husbands never seem to be at fault? Why is it always The Wife?" Eventually I began to wonder if the husbands could be exaggerating the extent of The Wife’s wrongdoings but, thankfully, it didn’t take long for my clients to put me straight. Now I know that men have 'needs' and, well, they just have to satisfy them somewhere if The Wife isn’t up to the job.

Despite The Wife’s many shortcomings, it appears that she is often a loving and devoted mother. Clearly, she provides the stability and safe environment that her husband needs to flourish in his career. It is a shame that she can’t meet his sexual 'needs', too, but, well, it would be rather unseemly for a mother to indulge in kinky sexual practices, wouldn’t it? That’s why there are women like me around – naughty, sexually adventurous women good for a fuck or two, but not the kind to get involved with for the long haul. It’s perfectly understandable that a man wouldn’t want to get attached to a slutty woman. He would spend so much time worrying that the baby in her belly wasn’t really his, and that would be terribly unsettling.

Sometimes it strikes me as sad that women should be reduced to such simplified categories such as 'virgin' or 'whore' when we are all so beautiful, complex and multi-faceted. Whenever I venture to raise this issue with my clients, they get uncomfortable, and their dicks begin to go limp in my hand. It’s not my job to question, challenge or talk about complicated issues; instead I’m supposed to create a soothing fantasy where men can escape from the responsibilities and burdens of their lives before returning to The Wife.

There’s only one problem: whenever The Wife appears in my massage room she doesn’t look very happy. I wonder where she can go to escape her own life for a while? I can only hope that she’s screwing the shit out of the postman when her husband is with me. After all, women have 'needs' too, and she can’t help it.