The Science of Sex: X-Rated Event at the Edinburgh Science Festival

A boffin's guide to the bump n' grind

Article by Scott McKellar | 08 Apr 2009
Science Festival

Edinburgh’s International Science Festival returns this month with a cheeky programme of adult themed lectures and events to stimulate broad-minded scientists and brave souls not afraid of experimentation.

The series begins on 9 April with the adult-only X-Rated Stories in the Stars, a tongue and cheek look at the real secret of the heavens. Then follows the History of the Vibrator, taking in its journey from the operating theatre to the bedrooms of millions. The festival pitches them as ideal for a night out with the girls and a few glasses of wine.

Alternatively you can have some fun taking part in a live experiment into what gets you on the dancefloor (dancing shoes optional), or get your teeth into Sex, Drugs and Chocolate: The Science of Pleasure, and learn about the hidden biological and psychological drivers behind our hedonistic impulses and the attempts by society over the ages to control them.

X-Rated Stories in the Stars
Apr 9, 16. 7pm. £8* (includes glass of wine)
City Arts Centre.

History of the Vibrator
Apr 9, 8pm. £8*.
Informatics, University of Edinburgh

In the Mood for Dancing
Apr 16, 6pm. £8*
Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Sex, Drugs and Chocolate: The Science of Pleasure
Apr 18, 4pm. £7*