The Soda Boys - Everybody Cha Cha

Single Review by Chris Duncan | 03 Nov 2008
The Soda Boys
Single title: Everybody Cha Cha
Artist: The Soda Boys
Label: Mum's the Word
Release date: 3 Nov

How is it that a single featuring the vocal delights of David Jude Jolicoeur from the legendary De La Soul can be so below average? De La Soul were truly original. Try and count how many hip-hop artists you know that either took direct influence from De La Soul or just straight up copied them. You can’t, because numbers don’t go that high. This single sounds like a late attempt for the ‘Who can have a bigger commercial hit than Soulja Boy’ competition with its chorus “Everybody cha cha, go grab your drink at the bar”. Expect this to sit at the top of the charts before next summer is out. [Chris Duncan]