Panda Su - Sticks and Bricks

Single Review by Chris Buckle | 15 Feb 2010
Panda Su - Sticks and Bricks
Single title: Sticks and Bricks
Artist: Panda Su
Label: Jagged Roots
Release date: Out Now

What’s that Sooty? You can’t decide whether Panda Su is a breath of fresh air or a stale sigh of nothingness? That’s quite a pickle, my yellow puppet friend. Let’s see: Eric Is Dead begins limply, electronics unable to disguise its tepid familiarity - but then a spoken-word sample helps recast it as something more interesting. So yes, Sooty, I suppose that is a tick in both columns, though personally its wheezing melodica tips the balance towards “fresh air”. Pot Kettle Black and Moviegoer contain fewer surprises, while My Sorry Little Heart resembles KT Tunstall’s stake on the middle-ground and consequently leaves little impact, but screw the tally, Sooty, and go with your non-existent gut. What’s that? Yeah, she’s alright, eh? [Chris Buckle]


Panda Su plays Brel, Glasgow on 17 Feb.