Kelman - The Heart Is a Useless Ally

tries to put a life of boozing and commuting on a momentary pause

Single Review by Milo McLaughlin | 15 Jun 2006
The Heart Is a Useless Ally
Single title: The Heart Is a Useless Ally
Artist: Kelman
Label: Liner
Refreshingly for a new London band, Kelman aren't trying to be achingly contemporary, nor they do they spend more time on getting their haircuts right than they do their lyrics. Instead, they look to the genuine songwriting of the likes of Smog and Tindersticks. Vocalist Wayne Gooderham's unusual voice is maybe an acquired taste, but it's one worth acquiring as this is a gentle pop gem which lyrically tries to put a life of boozing and commuting on a momentary pause, just time enough to ask "how does it feel?" [Milo McLaughlin] This single is out now.