The Presidents of the United States of America - Rot in the Sun EP

Single Review by Ewen Millar | 17 Mar 2009
The Presidents of the United States of America - Rot in the Sun EP
Single title: Rot in the Sun EP
Artist: The Presidents of the United States of America
Label: Cooking Vinyl
Release date: 30 Mar

The Presidents are a devious bunch. Opening track Rot in the Sun is a catchy grunge number that combines The B-52s' retro zaniness with a chorus line and melody suspiciously close to Nirvana's All Apologies, while second track Scrappy Puppy sounds like REM covering their favourite nursery rhyme. Both tracks are quite likeable, even though every fibre of your being is looking for a chink, a weakness that will allow you to loathe them beyond measure. Make no mistake: goth teens will not contemplate suicide while listening to this EP; hipsters will not copy the lyrics out alongside the Ben Gibbard musings in their Moleskin journals. This is pop with an evil glint in its eye - so fluffy and meaningless, it's challenging. [Ewen Millar]

Available on digital download only.