Fear of Music - We are not the Enemy EP

considerable energy, passion and enthusiasm, but with little originality

Single Review by Margaret Kirk | 12 Mar 2007
We are not the Enemy EP
Single title: We are not the Enemy EP
Artist: Fear of Music
Label: Faster
Manchester's Fear of Music came to fame at the In The City festival while still at school. This is a band of considerable energy, passion and enthusiasm, but with little originality. Showcasing various styles - the title track does glam punk, A Blueprint is sensitive, anthemic rock and the finale is pure Killers - this EP shows mastery of a generic format: they sound as if they are more in love with the idea of being rockers than the music itself. Fast and reasonably catchy, they are workmanlike, needing more personality to make it beyond the disco and into our hearts. [Margaret Kirk] Release Date: Out now.