Yeti Lane - Yeti Lane

Album Review by Eric Ledford | 07 Jan 2010
Yeti Lane - Yeti Lane
Album title: Yeti Lane
Artist: Yeti Lane
Label: Sonic Cathedral
Release date: 25 Jan


Comfort zones make things easier to swallow, but familiarity in music needn't always breed contempt, as Yeti Lane quite carefully remind us. As with most indie popsters, this Parisian trio sing trim and tidy songs that reflect on romantic conflicts and moments of simple beauty. The style is safe and saccharine, radio ready ballads and up-tempo jangles that fall perfectly in line with the uncomplicated attitudes of 90s alternative rock. Everything is shiny and happy, exacted with enough analog synth curlicues and French accents to distinguish them from their compatriots. Hinting towards krautrock and psychedelia, the most interesting bits of electronic detail behave like add-ons, fading behind the straight ahead delivery of periodic anti-climaxes. At least clumsiness is never an issue, since things are smoothed-over to the point of veering out of focus. This is music for the twee masses, and accordingly it goes down quick and easy. [Eric Ledford]