Various Artists - All The Rage

Even this budget-priced purchase seem a five quid extravagance.

Album Review by Ally Brown | 06 Mar 2008
All The Rage
Album title: All The Rage
Artist: Various Artists
Label: Domino
The purpose of Domino's All The Rage showcase CD seems somewhat usurped by MySpace, since multiple tracks from any artist on any label on the planet are now available for free trial. Anyone whose interest is piqued by the Animal Collective, Sons & Daughters, Adem or the Arctic Monkeys knows where to go to peruse further, making even this budget-priced purchase seem a five quid extravagance. But then, like any compilation, the real worth comes in discovering new acts you might not have otherwise known to look for. The ludicrously camp Wild Beasts, whose Assembly is a cavalcade of guffawing effeminate clowns; and Pram, whose horror-themed dreamscape Moonminer is a gothic Cocteau Twins nightmare, are the best new finds on All The Rage, both being conspicuously more left-field than the likes of Lightspeed Champion or The Kills, who're good nonetheless, if not spectacular. But then, when even the lesser-known bands get name-checked in reviews like this, there's nothing to stop people sampling them for free online. Sorry, Domino. [Ally Brown] Out Now