Thomas Truax - Why Dogs Howl At The Moon

Thomas Truax doesn't just walk the oddball walk; he runs, skips, jumps and pirouettes it.

Album Review by Billy Hamilton | 11 May 2007
Thomas Truax - Why Dogs Howl At The Moon
Album title: Why Dogs Howl At The Moon
Artist: Thomas Truax
Label: SL

Self-confessed musical eccentrics tend to disappoint. Full of garbled attention seeking proclamations, they never quite deliver when capturing their ingenuity in song. But New Yorker Thomas Truax doesn't just walk the oddball walk; he runs, skips, jumps and pirouettes it. New album Why Dogs Howl At The Moon is the aural actualisation of this lunatic character's skewed approach to song-structuring. A Tim Burton styled visionary, Truax and his self-assembled Hornicator (essentially a gargantuan, spring infused gramophone) gnarl through the eerie Waits-esque remonstrations of Escape From New York and Like a Fallen Tree. If verse-chorus-verse conformity is what you crave, then Why Dogs Howl will disappoint; every track offers an incongruent take on visceral gypsy-cabaret. But in the woozy carousel charm of Sea Creatures and You Whistle While You Sleep's double-bass funk Truax proves just how engrossing a little peculiarity can be. This is one eccentric who does not disappoint. [Billy Hamilton]

Rating: 21 May.
Thomas Truax plays the SL Tenth Birthday bashes at ABC, Glasgow on 21 May and The Liquid Room, Edinburgh on 22 May.