The Zephyrs – Fool of Regrets

Album Review by Billy Hamilton | 19 Aug 2010
The Zephyrs – Fool of Regrets
Album title: Fool of Regrets
Artist: The Zephyrs
Label: AC30
Release date: 6 Sep

By the time most bands make it to five albums they’ve usually gone one of two ways: either they’re tackling their evolving musical tastes with illuminated verve or they’re turning out the same stale fare that brought them a flicker of fame all those moons ago. Sadly, with the release of new record Fool of Regrets, it’s clear The Zephyrs didn’t debate which path they’d follow.

The Edinburgh quintet’s latest offering is a snoozing slab of psychedelically-tinted folk-rock that takes no chances as it meanders limply through the airwaves. Opening number Creative Faith ironically sets the scene for this idea-bereft affair; politely berating a band’s attempt at regeneration while a sea of dreary guitar runs underneath. Sole In the Machine’s acidic washout ensures it’s not entirely torturous, but cuts like Rip the Heart and Cooking are so stagnant they could breed mosquitoes – which would be a lot more interesting. [Billy Hamilton]