The State Broadcasters – A Different Past

Album Review by Harry Harris | 29 Mar 2017
The State Broadcasters - A Different Past
Album title: A Different Past
Artist: The State Broadcasters
Label: Olive Grove Records
Release date: 24 Mar

Glasgow outfit The State Broadcasters' long awaited third album sees them making a marginal break with the folk-tinged melancholia of their past releases to create something joyful, forward-thinking and full of hooks. 

The band's ace in the hole is their instrumental capabilities – seeing them live it's not uncommon to see band members flying across the stage between songs to switch between guitars, harmoniums, harps, trombones, and loop stations. All of this, and more, has made it onto this record, creating a textural soundscape that sets The State Broadcasters apart from other indie-folk bands. Folding, for example, is a song that feels melodically familiar – still trying to place the end of the chorus, the only thing we can come up with so far is "we're sure this sounds like a Disney song" – but the layering of ocean swells, harmonium, piano and vocals make it feel new.

Nostalgic in a different way is the deliriously entertaining Crap Village, which with 'If you love me this is the place: Crap Village!' has one of our favourite hook lines in recent memory. It's a relateable song for anyone who grew up in the back of beyond and still feels a warmth for it. Also, it really bangs – the tenderness and normality of the lyrics feel a little like The 1975's last record, while the AM-radio quality of the vocal is almost Video Killed The Radio Star-esque. It's a definite highlight of the album.

As a non-Scottish person, this reviewer has always regarded the Scottish pop scene with a kind of quiet awe. So much comes out, and so much of it is good. Perhaps the evidence is in this band, all of whom pop up in other guises: The Duplets, Randolph's Leap, Fake Major. Shared influences and histories come together to make something interesting and new, which may have pushed The State Broadcasters to the top of the pack.

Listen to: Crap Village