The Ruby Suns - Sea Lion

Postcards from the best summer holiday you never had.

Album Review by Matt Gollock | 06 Mar 2008
Sea Lion
Album title: Sea Lion
Artist: The Ruby Suns
Label: Memphis Industries
It's refreshing that the word 'pop' no longer has negative connotations; something that's simply disposable and fleeting. While it can still be instant and parasitic in the mind, pop's remit is evolving into something more complex and sustainable. With this in mind, New Zealand's The Ruby Suns have African rhythms rubbing shoulders with Mercury Rev's busy arrangements, while Mariachi band strumming and the feral harmonies of Animal Collective sit together without seeming disparate. The album was partly based on the world travels of songwriter Ryan McPhun and, on first listen, it does seem quite fittingly all over the place. But there's something naively bewitching about the whole record that lures the listener back. And with each listen, the solar enthusiasm becomes absorbing, at which point it is too late, and harmonising with gay abandon becomes a very real threat. These songs could easily become postcards from the best summer holiday you never had. [Matt Gollock]
Release Date: 3 Mar