The Proper Ornaments – Waiting for the Summer

Album Review by Chris Buckle | 29 Aug 2013
The Proper Ornaments – Waiting for the Summer
Album title: Waiting for the Summer
Artist: The Proper Ornaments
Label: Lo Recordings
Release date: 2 Sep

As Waiting for the Summer reaches its understated conclusion, London duo The Proper Ornaments offer lyrical sentiments that could double as a serving suggestion. Over 80 seconds of mellow acoustic guitar, sighs implore “there’s no point in being sad/ why don’t you take a break?” A placid plea that nicely pinpoints the effect of time in the record’s balmy company.

James Hoare and Max Claps have an expert grasp of mood and melody and – like Hoare’s other band Veronica Falls – they aim their talents towards simple but effective guitar pop, with the likes of Love, Velvet Underground and, from further along the timeline, The Go-Betweens and Yo La Tengo all recalled at various points. But while its delicacy is a big part of its halcyon charm, Waiting for the Summer’s slightness also has its downsides; with its ten tracks disappearing in just 23 breezy minutes, the buzz fades all too fast. [Chris Buckle]