the pAper chAse - Someday This Could All Be Yours (Part 1)

A series of brilliant, if skewed, alternative pop songs

Album Review by Chris Cusack | 21 Apr 2009
the pAper chAse - Someday This Could All Be Yours (Part One)
Album title: Someday This Could All Be Yours (Part 1)
Artist: the pAper chAse
Label: Southern Records
Release date: 5 May

As incredible as it sounds, the pAper chAse are probably becoming even more sinister. Whereas on previous records the staccato bass, shrill guitar and psychotically-hammered piano left listeners in no doubt as to their less than PG-certificate intentions, this album sees the malevolence subtly woven into a series of brilliant, if skewed, alternative pop songs. The kind that could almost be respectable. Someday... is thick with choruses, yet they keep you on edge. The Common Cold could well be the sound of Suggs collaborating with Patrick Bateman and stand-out track, This Is A Rape - one of the best of Congleton and Co's career so far, title notwithstanding - could potentially be a huge single. The inspired use of trademark diminished chords, atonality and dark lyricism is a sign of real innovation. Both a perfect introduction to the band for new arrivals and a solid addition to their existing catalogue.