The Long Lost - The Long Lost

Album Review by Ewen Millar | 25 Feb 2009
The Long Lost - The Long Lost
Album title: The Long Lost
Artist: The Long Lost
Label: Ninja Tunes
Release date: 2 Mar

The romantic ideals that hippies espouse are often more appealing than hippies themselves; free love and flower power all sound fine in principle, but they're often hard to square with long-haired old fat guys mumbling on about the Grateful Dead. The Long Lost are all about peddling the romantic ideal, with a husband/wife combo providing finger-picked acoustic guitars adorned with ethereal female vocals that pluck lyrics like “skipping like a slippery stone, 'cross the silver sea, sailing like a silver stone, 'cross the slippery sea” from the psychedelic ether. Profundities aside, what's on offer here is the sonic equivalent of 44 minutes of Timotei adverts (you know, the one with the medieval girl swirling her hair in the river). Your enjoyment of this will depend entirely upon whether or not you want to be transported to The Long Lost world, but once you're hooked on their celestial magic there's no going back. [Ewen Millar]