The Body – I Shall Die Here

Album Review by Bram E. Gieben | 27 Mar 2014
The Body – I Shall Die Here
Album title: I Shall Die Here
Artist: The Body
Label: RVNG
Release date: 1 Apr

The Haxan Cloak spent months processing The Body's urgent, howled vocals and feral blasts of shredded guitar noise, transfiguring them into the dense and oppressive movements which make up I Shall Die Here. From the plodding, scream-infested bass wash of opener To Carry The Seeds of Death Within Me, this record speaks to your gut. 

Alone All The Way's chilling vocals sound like the pleas of a tortured soul. Hail To Thee Oh Everlasting Pain hauls itself bleeding from washed-out dub into a brutal slab of reverberating bass, while the proto-techno of Our Souls Were Clean finishes with a wall of feedback and bone-chilling screams of anguish and horror. Closer Darkness Surrounds Us allows the reverb-soaked bass to mutter and grumble like a dying man's death rattle, providing, if not calm, then at least a measure of resignation. Remorselessly avant garde, emotionally wrenching, without a chink of light on its clouded horizon.