!!! – Strange Weather, Isn't It?

Album Review by Wilbur Kane | 26 Jul 2010
!!! – Strange Weather, Isn't It?
Album title: Strange Weather, Isn't It?
Artist: !!!
Label: Warp
Release date: 2 Aug

In which DancePunk ™ seems to have metamorphosed into disco funk as curated by George Clinton and Chic. !!!’s first album since 2007’s broody Myth Takes is an altogether more light-hearted affair, even if frontman Nic Offer trades in sideswipes at ex-friends (the awkwardly titled Even Judas Gave Jesus A Kiss) and the state of society in general (Steady As The Sidewalk Cracks). Though sounding like one of the Sledge Sisters, vocalist Shannon Funchess is almost criminally underused, most often appearing as a backing singer to Offer’s often monotonous lead.

Jamie, My Intentions Are Bass typifies the efforts on the entire album, a chunky beat laced with sparse but effective guitar rhythms. Unsurprisingly, album closer The Hammer is already receiving steady radio play – sounding like it came straight from the Hacienda circa 1992. On one level it’s a by the numbers quickslowquick rave anthem, but there’s just enough silly fun to get away with it. [Wilbur Kane]