Slowdive – everything is alive

Slowdive's second post-reunion album mines familiar territory, with familiarly beautiful results

Album Review by Lewis Wade | 29 Aug 2023
Slowdive – everything is alive
Album title: everything is alive
Artist: Slowdive
Label: Dead Oceans
Release date: 1 Sep

everything is alive is another Slowdive release that does little to alter their position as stalwarts of the nebulous shoegaze scene. Emotional textures are evoked through gauzy vocals and guitar reverb, with just a few tweaks to the formula here and there, but they're still one of the best to do it.

The most immediately striking feature is the John Carpenter-esque synths that appear on opening track 'shanty' – ironically it's the most 80s the group have ever sounded, despite that being when they formed. There's also a hint of the neofolk twang that their offshoot band Mojave 3 used more prominently. But elsewhere it's mostly wonderful business as usual: 'alife', 'kisses' and 'the slab' are propulsive with more dominant drums and guitar, Neil Halstead singing with clarity and Rachel Goswell shrouded in haze.

'andalucia plays' is a slow, gorgeous slice of John Cale-inspired nostalgia, with contemplative acoustic guitar matching the peaceful mood; 'chained to a cloud' is one of the best metaphors to describe the power vs ephemerality dynamic of the band (and shoegaze at large), though the song itself actually hews closer to their electronic interests.

There's a comfort felt through these 40-odd minutes, both from the band and as a listener. Slowdive are scene vets that have seemingly perfected their sound, but still have enough drive to keep nudging it forward, one shimmering soundscape at a time.

everything is alive by Slowdive

Listen to: andalucia plays, kisses