Sine Star Project - Blue Born Earth Boy

An unquestionably talented band has created 'Blue Born Earth Boy' - it's a shame musical narcissism has ruined it

Album Review by Billy Hamilton | 15 Feb 2006
Blue Born Earth Boy
Album title: Blue Born Earth Boy
Artist: Sine Star Project
Label: One Little Indian
Sine Star Project - 'Blue Born Earth Boy' (One Little Indian)

The problem with eclecticism is the overindulgence that often accompanies it. In the case of Sine Star Project's debut album 'Blue Born Earth Boy' the relentless pursuit of incongruity has created a dextrous record with little reward. Opening track Blood Light promises much, evoking the intimacy of Antony Hegarty with a soaring voice sprinkled over a heart-rending melody. Yet what follows is a cacophony of avant-garde egoism that suffocates amidst an aura of self-congratulation. Rather than complimenting the delicacy of Peter Croissant's vocals with minimalist repose, the production augments into a multi-layered rock orchestra that meanders ambivalently towards the murky waters of Muse and Coldplay. Haunting moments still lurk within this operatic concoction, particularly in the sinister Wolf River, but this only serves as a reminder of what could have been. An unquestionably talented band has created 'Blue Born Earth Boy' - it's a shame musical narcissism has ruined it. [Billy Hamilton]

This album is out on Feb 6.