Russian Circles – Memorial

Album Review by Stu Lewis | 08 Oct 2013
Russian Circles – Memorial
Album title: Memorial
Artist: Russian Circles
Label: Sargent House
Release date: 28 Oct

Varied textures and technical proficiency are just about as common as a big chap grunting into a microphone in the modern metal world, but Chicagoans Russian Circles continue to break new ground. Over four previous albums they’ve stretched the boundaries of the genre and moulded it as their own with some breathtaking arrangements and instrumental skill. Memorial adds further weight to their reputation. 

You’ll again be wondering how the hell the bludgeoning sounds of Deficit could be created by a mere three piece while 1777's juddering drums and contorted guitar turns the track into a genuine thrill ride. Soft cooing guest vocals from dark ambient chanteuse Chelsea Wolfe shouldn’t belong here at all, but not only do they work, the music adapts around them, and as the title track slinks to a close you could be forgiven for thinking a Mazzy Star number has been popped on by mistake. But that certain je ne sais quoi remains Russian Circles’ overall strength. [Stu Lewis]

Playing Manchester Gorilla on 25 Oct and Glasgow SWG3 on 26 Oct