Mikal Cronin – Mikal Cronin

Album Review by David Bowes | 16 Sep 2011
Mikal Cronin - Mikal Cronin
Album title: Mikal Cronin
Artist: Mikal Cronin
Label: Trouble in Mind
Release date: 3 Oct

While perhaps better known for his collaborations with Ty Segall (who handles production duties here), Mikal Cronin uses his first solo venture both as a chance to indulge in a spot of retro harmonising and as an opportunity to let rip with vast walls of fuzz, resulting in something akin to J. Mascis diligently constructing an album of Beach Boys covers.

Get Along pairs innocuous enough summertime melodies with a syrupy solo to deliver a hearty ‘fuck you’ to poppy idealism, and while Hold on Me could easily be mistaken for any 50s drive-in ditty, the heady echo on Cronin’s voice lends it an air of wistfulness.

This comes across as the most personal album Cronin could’ve released without verging on self-indulgence, steeped in his influences, fears and hopes; by the end, you’re filled with a genuine affection for the troubadour. In an age of disposable wonders, it’s nice to connect once in a while.