Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard – Y Proffwyd Dwyll

Album Review by Andrew Gordon | 19 Sep 2016
Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard
Album title: Y Proffwyd Dwyll
Artist: Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard
Label: New Heavy Sounds
Release date: 30 Sep

It’s a silly name, but it does the job - what you get from Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard’s second record is exactly what you’d expect; beefy, lumbering riffs churned over to the point of hyponosis, drenched in bone-rattling distortion and delivered with an occasional wink. The Welsh quartet have fun with the format, deploying endearingly kitsch electronics that have the tenor of a Dalek invasion upon their otherwise stony, Celtic graveyard aesthetic.

Jessica Ball’s magnificently eerie vocals are still a revelation, bringing sensitivity and melodicism. She plays cello now, too, as if MWWB didn’t already sound creepy enough: the patient, menacing staccato twitches on Y Proffwyd Dwyll like a demon biding its time. 

Best Tracks: Y Proffwyd Dwyll, Cithuula