Malcolm Middleton - A Brighter Beat Album

brighter, grander and lusher

Album Review by Milo McLaughlin | 10 Feb 2007
A Brighter Beat
Album title: A Brighter Beat
Artist: Malcolm Middleton
Label: Full Time Hobby

The title of this album isn't a misnomer: although it deals with similar themes to the previous two, Malcolm Middleton's third solo album is brighter, grander and lusher musically, and he seems to have realised that he's not alone in his misery. First song 'We're All Going to Die' sets the scene with a reminder that although we're all alone in death, at least we share in that fate together, and the title track and first single sees Middleton declaring himself part of an unseen army who prefer music to the outside world. Early contender for song title of the year 'Fuck It, I Love You' and the epic 'Up Late At Night Again' are accounts of being in love which border on joyous. Whilst other tracks such as 'Stay Close, Sit Tight' acknowledge an ongoing battle against depression with moving honesty, this is put into perspective by a sincere sense of hope. [Milo McLaughlin]

Read our single review of the title track A Brighter Beat by Malcolm Middleton

Release Date: 26 Feb.