Laibach – An Introduction to... Laibach / Reproduction Prohibited

Album Review by Mark Shukla | 24 Aug 2012
Laibach - An Introduction to... Laibach / Reproduction Prohibited
Album title: An Introduction to... Laibach / Reproduction Prohibited
Artist: Laibach
Label: Mute
Release date: 3 Sep

As is fitting for a band who refute the idea of artistic originality, Mute’s latest Laibach compilation features no original compositions whatsoever. You see, Laibach REALLY, REALLY refute the idea of originality. We’re not just talking covers; we’re talking covers of covers; we’re talking covers of Laibach songs; we’re talking covers of songs inspired by Laibach songs. So far, so postmodern – but is it any good and does it work as a primer? Well yes and kind of.

Laibach’s MO has long revolved around the frisson that occurs when a brutal adherence to  stony-faced teutonic pomp is pushed way beyond design tolerance, resulting in a curiously ambiguous kind of pathos suffused with high camp absurdism. When the band is really on form (Germania, Geburt Einer Nation) the effect is positively psychedelic; the uncannily pleasurable sensation of feeling one’s emotional compass flutter thrillingly sans orientation.