Hookah the Fuzz – Hookah the Fuzz

Album Review by David Bowes | 09 Dec 2010
Hookah the Fuzz – Hookah the Fuzz
Album title: Hookah the Fuzz
Artist: Hookah the Fuzz
Label: Self-released
Release date: Out Now

In music, there are innovators and there are followers: Birmingham’s Hookah the Fuzz are firmly in the latter camp, though this is by no means a disparaging attribute. By taking the speed and rhythm of vintage Metallica (and no small amount of James Hetfield’s vocal stylings) and injecting some Dream Theatre-esque progressive metal theatrics, they’ve created a debut that is catchy, professional and yet distinctly familiar.

While some of their lyrical attempts at social commentary are embarrassingly clichéd (listen to Hang the Hooker for reference) their musical ability is nothing to be scoffed at. The rhythms are tight and focused, the guitarwork stylish yet not weighed down by the tendency towards excess that progressive metal often carries with it, and there are enough tempo changes and off-kilter additions to keep even the most jaded of metal fans amused. They’re not quite ready to be in the professional leagues just yet, but this shows that they are definitely headed in the right direction. [David Bowes]