Grey Daturas - Return to Disruption

Album Review by Ali Maloney | 25 Apr 2008
Return To Disruption
Album title: Return to Disruption
Artist: Grey Daturas
Label: Neurot
Release date: Out Now

Taking an aesthetic cue from amp shredding moments of chaos and the creeping screeching strings of Italian giallo films, Grey Daturas are a behemothic beast. This Australian instrumental's improv covers a wide whirlpool of psychedelic noise and like all great instrumental bands, their music is fundamentally cinematic so it’s no surprise to learn that they began as an improvised accompaniment to 16mm film projections. Unlike other wall-of-sound bands of this ilk, their soundscapes are constantly shifting and subtly morphing. It’s hypnotic but not repetitive, noisy but not entirely bereft of melody, droning but not arrhythmic, post-rock but not self indulgent naval-gazing bullshit. Using - as well as drums and guitars - scrap metal, particularly wacky and spooky violins, saxophone and circuit bent electronics, Grey Daturas prove that harsh nihilistic instrumental rock can be every bit as exciting and stimulating as the imaginary films it might just soundtrack. [Ali Maloney]