Funki Porcini - On

Album Review by Joe Barton | 17 May 2010
Funki Porcini - On
Album title: On
Artist: Funky Porcini
Label: Ninja Tune
Release date: 3 May

Sampled-based music is, too often, a case of mere archaeology. As fascinating as layers of sound and history being laid atop one another might be, it’s rare that the producer’s personality survives the experiment. Of course, that’s part of the appeal; ego-free listening, letting the music for itself, right?

Perhaps, but On is beautiful, not only because of the interacting pasts of its various constituent samples, and because Funki Porcini seems to take you by the hand and guide you though his playful arrangements. Moog River finds a retired trip-hop musician spring-cleaning his saxophone, whilst Undermud sounds like a microphone was set up in the inside of someone’s skull to record the sound of their dreams. The 3rd Man is the album’s highlight, which could easily take on Boards of Canada for hauntological delights.

Easily one of the funniest, most touching and undoubtedly fascinating releases to be heard this year. [Joe Barton]