Explosions in the Sky – Take Care, Take Care, Take Care

Album Review by David Bowes | 24 Mar 2011
Explosions in the Sky – Take Care, Take Care, Take Care
Album title: Take Care, Take Care, Take Care
Artist: Explosions in the Sky
Label: Bella Union
Release date: 18 Apr

Because of the often protracted periods between albums, a new Explosions record always brings with it a mixture of expectation and trepidation, but this…well, let’s just say there was no reason to fret. From the tranquil intro of Last Known Surroundings to its eventual ecstatic climax, everything sounds exactly like you think it should but in a beautifully adjusted fashion. Human Qualities then offers eight minutes of unadulterated bliss, while Trembling Hands picks up the pace with the most energised drumming Chris Hrasky has ever thrown down.

Once again their strength is shown not only in their near-orchestral manipulation of dynamics but also in the intricacy of their melodies, flightily fluttering progressions that intertwine in the most dazzling of patterns, a crystalline whirl of musical ingenuity. With Take Care, Explosions in the Sky have abandoned any uncertainties and produced what may be the most polished and, dare we say, perfect album of their career. [David Bowes]

Playing HMV Picture House, Edinburgh on 15 May