Dixon – Temporary Secretary

Album Review by Colin Chapman | 21 Sep 2009
Album title: Temporary Secretary
Artist: Dixon
Label: Innervisions
Release date: 13 Oct

With Temporary Secretary, Berlin house maestro Dixon has delivered the first mix CD for Innervisions, the label he runs in partnership with fellow German producers, Âme.

With DJ’s sets available for free and almost ubiquitously on the web, it begs the question, is there really still a demand for this kind of release?

Well, perhaps. Dixon, more than most, has kept a tighter rein on recordings of his club appearances, meaning his Body Language and now Temporary Secretary CD mixes hold more of an exclusive appeal.

Giving a digitally-edited twist to his set, he merges elements of each track on Temporary… into one another, thus adding a definite artistic edge to proceedings.

Ashra-esque opener, Icasol’s Ongou‘ gives way to Sweden’s Fever Ray before the beats kick in; Henrik Schwarz re-rubs of Jazzanova and Code 718, Ewan Pearson’s take on Junior Boys’ Hazel and Visionquest’s re-imagining of Kiki’s Voodoo appearing as later highlights.
