College – Heritage

Album Review by Bram E. Gieben | 29 Aug 2013
College – Heritage
Album title: Heritage
Artist: College
Label: Invada
Release date: 16 Sep

The last College album on Invada was a re-release of David Grellier's early work, before he rose to prominence on the back of the Drive soundtrack's central cut, A Real Hero. Heritage is an entirely new work, created by Grellier in response to some of his earliest influences – the French science fiction art of Moebius, Jean Giraud and others. 

The results don't stray too far from the retro-futuristic synth-pop of his debut, combining classic arpeggiated analogue synth lines with stripped, sparse drum patterns, and an ever-present, cinematic sense of space and pacing. The difference is in the finish, the polish of the production – a blisteirngly intense sheen predominates, capturing the warmth and depth Grellier achieved on his most famous track. Entirely instrumental, his riffs and structures are given room to breathe – deceptively simple melodic arrangements combine and interlock with the same complexity found in the liquid, biomechanical art which inspired him.