Citizen Cope - The Clarence Greenwood Recordings

This album may well help pave his way towards a bright future in the UK

Album Review by Dave Winter | 16 May 2006
The Clarence Greenwood Recordings
Album title: The Clarence Greenwood Recordings
Artist: Citizen Cope
Label: Sony/BMG
Latest stateside import Clarence Greenwood (a.k.a. Citizen Cope) releases this compilation with style, grace, and a confident swagger. Paying close attention to melody and rhythm, Greenwood presents his multi-genre encompassing songs that can be assured a lasting presence. His sound is comprised of laid-back, gritty hip-hop, with a dual dynamic of melodic singer-songwriting with funky, snappy vocals. What makes '...Sessions' a great listen is that Greenwood can slow it down to a soulful guitar in Sideways and Penitentiary, or speed right back up to an impassioned beat in Hurricane Waters, all the while remaining a unique artist with a signature delivery. Clarence Greenwood has already stirred up loyal fan support and positive critical appraisals in the U.S, and this album may well help pave his way towards a bright future in the UK. [Dave Winter]
The Clarence Greenwood Recordings' is out now.