Bear Claw – Refuse This Gift

Album Review by Austin Tasseltine | 28 Jan 2011
Bear Claw – Refuse This Gift
Album title: Refuse This Gift
Artist: Bear Claw
Label: Sickroom
Release date: 7 Feb

Two bass guitars, one drum kit and an abundance of bloody good ideas: that about sums up the ingredients behind this Steve Albini-recorded Chicago trio. Gritty, rumbling, frequently-shifting songs that invite numerous obscure comparisons, including the minimalist gnashing of our own Bronto Skylift, as well as an endearing sense of undulating timing and melody similar to criminally-overlooked French alt-rock geniuses We Insist!

The songs are intelligently arranged and never outstay their welcome just as Refuse This Gift is collectively brief enough to encourage immediate repeated plays. In a career not short on misses, Albini scores a direct hit with his production here, keeping the two bass guitars fat but distinct and allowing the drums just enough space to draw the listener in without drowning in Electrical Audio's notoriously idiosyncratic reverb. With this representing only their third album, Bear Claw sound like a band on the brink of cult status. [Austin Tasseltine]