Bayonne – Primitives

Album Review by Katie Hawthorne | 01 Nov 2016
Bayonne – Primitives
Album title: Primitives
Artist: Bayonne
Label: City Slang
Release date: 4 Nov

If Primitives feels familiar, it might be because you’ve heard it already. Texan producer Roger Sellers released this LP on Punctum Records in 2014, but he returns with a brand new alias, a new record label and three extra tracks to wrap up the ceremony. Just as well, because those who missed it the first time are in for a trip.

Bayonne twists and folds thousands of layers and loops, utilising the echoes of old pianos and draining sinks to add some earth to his technical wizardry. Warm, cavernous drums provide the heart and backbone of the record; bonus track Omar channels a Phil Collins-style fill and Marim surges with unresolved momentum. Waves’ carousel churn and distanced, soothing vocals, as well as the playful, tilted vocal play on Appeal, pays obvious homage to Animal Collective’s school of brainy, breezy spin-cycles.  

But for all Primitives’ hypnotic powers, when it’s over you’ll wake up on the same sofa – the record’s mesmerising hoops finish right back where they started.

Listen to: Appeal, Omar