Attic Lights - Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights won’t win any awards for innovation, but it’s the familiar things in life that hit that sweet spot in your soul.

Album Review by Finbarr Bermingham | 02 Oct 2008
Attic Lights - Friday Night Lights
Album title: Friday Night Lights
Artist: Attic Lights
Label: Island
Release date: 13 Oct

It’s not difficult to see why Attic Lights could easily become so ingrained in the UK's consciousness: Friday Night Lights is aural escapism at its finest. As depressing as the deluge of 2008 has been, the meteorological conditions are tailor-made for this Glasgow quintet to ship you off somewhere much nicer: a silver lining, if you will, to the ubiquitous dark cloud over head.

There is nothing unduly complicated here, a trait the band evidently prides itself on. But it’s within the easy, blissful melodies that lies the appeal of Attic Lights. For a harmony-loving nostalgia-fuelled band like this, reference points are always going to be simple: think a sugared-up Thrills, a skinnier Hal, a sunnier Teenage Fanclub (Francis MacDonald produces and manages the band) and naturally, a not so ground-breaking Beach Boys.

Singles Wendy and Never Get Sick Of The Sea have already had remixes commissioned to the likes of Mogwai and The Vaselines and accordingly, those are two of the most immediate tracks on the album. But it’s perhaps the two most downbeat offerings here that really stand-out: piano ballad Dark Eyes and excellent closing track Winter On. Sure, Friday Night Lights won’t win any awards for innovation, but it’s the familiar things in life that hit that sweet spot in your soul. [Finbarr Bermingham]


Attic Lights play ABC, Glasgow on 25 Oct