Super 8 - Daysaver

probably an ideal listen for a casual music fan

Album Review by Ted M | 11 Jan 2007
Album title: Daysaver
Artist: Super 8
Label: Chestnut Brown Records
Entirely written, recorded and produced in an attic by a chap called Trip, Daysaver is a competent homage to the melodic, ebullient guitar bands of yesteryear. The Beatles, The Verve and Primal Scream are all obvious points of reference in this multi-tracked bonanza which hums with its creator's enthusiasm but never manages to emerge from the shadow of its numerous influences. This is competent, catchy guitar pop – nothing more and nothing less. Occasionally, on tracks like 'Never Had a Love', Trip throws caution to the wind and produces something surprising – in this case a bizarre can-can interlude – but these moments are few and far between. Likewise, the affected, identikit vocals do nothing to separate Super 8 from the pack – a shame considering the confident strut of tracks like 'New Dawn' and 'Callin' Out'. A bright, breezy, assured album then – probably an ideal listen for a casual music fan – but this is nothing you haven't heard before. [Ted M]
Release Date: Out now.