St. Vincent unveils first fruits from "party record you could play at a funeral"

Feature by News Team | 10 Dec 2013
David Byrne & St Vincent

When we spoke to St. Vincent a few years back, she held forth about the value of music: "I think about some of my favourite records and what I would pay to have that experience... I would easily pay a thousand dollars for A Love Supreme. You know? If it makes the difference between hearing A Love Supreme and not hearing A Love Supreme, I would definitely shell out.”

Two years on, and following on from her successful collaboration with David Byrne on the album Love This Giant and a subsequent tour, and Annie Clark is returning to her solo work, with a new self-titled album dropping on 24 February. Listen to the first track to be revealed, Birth In Reverse, below.

From the sounds of the funk-infused single, this one's going to be well worth laying down your hard-earned cash for. Speaking about the new album's gritty, infectious aesthetic, Clark commented: "I wanted to make a party record you could play at a funeral." Scroll down and enter your email address for a free download of the track.

From the archives

Albums of 2011 (#1): St. Vincent – Strange Mercy (Annie Clark in interview)
The Democratic Circus: Art pop dreamteam David Byrne and St Vincent discuss their ongoing collaboration