Wake the President, Glasgow School of Art, 5 Apr

Tonight’s New Breed night delivers exactly what it should

Article by Paul Neeson | 22 Apr 2008
Wake the President (2007)

As a wide eyed and enthusiastic crowd file in and settle themselves down on the second-hand sofas clustered around, the scene looks perfectly set for an evening of gentle fey-folk and pop courtesy of West End imprint Say Dirty Records.

When Zoey Van Goey [***] take to the stage, it’s to deliver a set in equal parts indie-jangle, and cautiously treading urban-folk. The former persona is that of a band trying too hard to fit hand-in-glove into this close-knit scene’s expectations, evidence of which is nailed to current single Foxtrot Vandal, whilst the latter, darker approach favours them well, at points wandering wonderfully close to Yo La Tengo at their most tender.

Label mates Wake the President [***] continue their slow-burn impact on the local scene, with some sashaying, impish indie, shot through with sharp observational guile, and as ever it proves pretty beguiling, if somewhat lacking the potential for greater things shown by their support. Such mild detraction aside, tonight’s New Breed night delivers exactly what it should: a showcase of the best local talent plying their trade. And even if that talent doesn’t prove earth shattering on this particular occasion, there’s more than enough promise to make us come back for more. [Paul Neeson]