Tuff Love @ Stereo, 5 February

Live Review by Claire Francis | 11 Feb 2016
Tuff Love

Handing out party poppers to a buoyant Glasgow crowd is a perilous move, especially when they come with the caveat that no popping must take place until instructed. Fortunately, such is the adoration for Tuff Love that their faithful audience remain remarkably well behaved, and nary a pop is heard before the jubilant detonation that comes midway through their dreamy, toe tapping set in support of newly released EP collection Resort.

It’s not just the audience that are smitten with Tuff Love – support comes from none other than Frances McKee, of beloved Scottish indie stalwarts The Vaselines, and the RnB rap of local two-piece Bossy Love keeps the party rolling late into the night. With endorsement of that calibre, you’d forgive Tuff Love – aka Julie Eisenstein and Suse Bear (plus The Phantom Band / Bronto Skylift's Iain Stewart on live percussive duties) – for brimming with confidence, but on stage the duo are endearingly awkward and appear genuinely taken aback by the level of enthusiasm permeating Stereo’s bunker bandroom.

Resort is a neatly assembled indie-pop treat, replete with woozy harmonies and riot grrl power riffs. Sweet Discontent surfaces early in the set and perfectly encapsulates the Tuff Love aesthetic, all crunchy, gorgeous guitars and contagious beats.

There’s a Pixies melody here, a Stone Roses bassline there, and perhaps the energy of the show falters slightly towards the tail end as the myriad 90s references congeal, but at least the ladies are borrowing from bands of high class, and the audience remains ebullient to the end. When we’re eventually allowed to let our party poppers fly, Eisenstein prefaces the celebration with the admission that "they’re from Poundstretcher, so they might not work" – but the blast is reliably, reassuringly uplifting; just like Resort itself.