Nova Twins @ La Belle Angele, Edinburgh, 24 Feb

Nova Twins' commitment to self-love and empowerment radiates tonight; true to its DIY punk spirit, their latest album Supernova shows itself to be strongest as a live show

Live Review by Rho Chung | 03 Mar 2023
Nova Twins @ La Belle Angele, Edinburgh, 24 Feb

Back in November, Amy Love and Georgia South told The Skinny that their gigs are known for their welcoming, high-energy vibes – and this one is no exception. After Witch Fever's galvanising support slot, Nova Twins seize the stage with their signature tenacity. The pair play songs from their most recent album, Supernova, with a few welcome interludes. As the band's vocalist, Love connects particularly strongly with the pit; she engages the crowd vibrantly and organically. The vibes are, as some say, immaculate.

Close to the stage, the pit jumps and churns in unison, and we hang on Love's every word. The atmosphere feels incandescent as Love invites us to scream along with Cleopatra, one of the most popular tracks from Supernova. Nova Twins' commitment to spreading self-love and empowerment radiates in the lyrics, and true to its DIY punk spirit, Supernova shows itself to be strongest as a live show. 

The stage at La Belle Angele is perfect for Nova Twins to hold the crowd in the palm of their hand. Even with an audience of close to 500, the show feels intimate, personal. Love periodically stops the show to check if everyone is alright. She orders us all to make sure we're drinking water and looking out for each other. Though this reviewer is too short in stature to see when the Twins drop off the stage to play in the pit, the energy in the crowd reaches a fever pitch – Nova Twins share a truly unique connection with their fans, and we feel their love (and vice versa, hopefully). Under Love's friendly and encouraging watch, it feels like we are part of this movement. Nova Twins combine gentle support with vengeful punk: it is a movement in which grief and rage are channelled into love.

Image: Nova Twins @ La Belle Angele, Edinburgh, 24 Feb by Izzy Reeve

Nova Twins showcase their brilliant musicianship – South's inventive basslines resonate in the pit of my stomach, and her stage presence is as lively as her playing. Love's heavy guitar riffs sound even more so in person, and the live setting demonstrates the true skill involved in her vocal performance. On nearly every track, Love leaps seamlessly through melodies, screams, and rap breaks.

What Nova Twins have created, in addition to their ferocious music, is a space where it's safe to let it all out. It's a space for us to scream back at a world that marginalises and degrades us. Among the roiling crowds, it's hard not to get swept up in Nova Twins' orbit: they say, "jump," we say, "when?"