Bronto Skylift / Felix Champion / Sharptooh @ Nice N Sleazy, 12 September

Live Review by Chris McCall | 15 Sep 2014
Bronto Skylift

Sharptooth are the kind of band that your elderly relatives would find too loud if they played your wedding; more gothic fuzz pop than the schizophrenic noisecore that summary might imply, they're nevertheless a valued addition to tonight's line-up, with forthcoming single Sister a clear stand-out.

Felix Champion have built up a solid reputation on the local circuit since releasing their debut single last year and are now shaping for the release of their first album in November. If new track Canyons is anything to go by, it’s sure to be a beauty. The four-piece are at their best when nailing down some super-tight math-rock riffage, but some of the vocals tonight are lost among the thunderous mix.

There’s a clear sense of anticipation when headliners Bronto Skylift take to the stage, here to launch their terrific second album Date with a Ghoul. The Highland duo have been silent since attracting a steady level of acclaim a few years back, with rumours suggesting they'd called it quits. “Do we start the gig now? I forget, we’ve not done one in ages,” asks Niall Strachan as he picks up his guitar.

Without waiting for an answer they’re straight into the barnstorming Bird Catcher. The volume is not so much loud – it’s a level beyond that in which your jeans flap in the sound rushing from the stage. Bronto live is an exhilarating experience, but not one everyone in the room is visibly enjoying. The partnership between Strachan and drummer Iain Stewart is a sight to behold, their combined power has only increased in the time they’ve been away. “582 people bought our first record, over a 56 year period,” Strachan deadpans. With any justice, they ought to do better this time round.