These New Puritans @ Oran Mor, 16 Apr

They should start a cult. Or is that what this is?

Article by Beth Malone | 01 Apr 2008
These New Puritans

Contrary to popular belief, numerology can be cool - especially when sung about repeatedly by musical maestros These New Puritans. Layering sounds like MIA does on Kala: using drum, distorted vocal and electric riffs. Is that a cowbell? They chant redundant lyrics, ingraining them in your head so you can join in on the chorus. The effect is powerful; creating an immediate camaraderie with the group. Maybe this is their commentary on the importance of synchronicity - strength in numbers. Sharing the stage with the no-frills minimalism of The Kills will compliment their scratchy echoing sound and unabashed intellectualism. Citing an Elizabethan Magician and Wu Tang Clan as major influences should be enough to get you through the door but once the music starts, you'll probably find yourself among the crowd, jumping in unison. They should start a cult. Or is that what this is? [Beth Malone]

7.30pm, £12.50
Supporting The Kills, also playing Oran Mor, Glasgow on 16 Apr