Hockey @ King Tut's, 20 Sep

Article by Chris Buckle | 21 Aug 2009

Not long out of their wrapper and Hockey’s party vibe is already proving as divisive as yeast spread. Their indie-rock shapes, tinged with electro-pop bleeps and whistles (and who isn’t electro-tinged these days?) would make the perfect accompaniment to Judd Apatow’s more adolescently-oriented material, aurally evoking fictional teenage years spent sipping keg beer from red cups. On the down side they’re also brimful of overblown power-poses - though, luckily for them, such enthusiasm will look exponentially less ridiculous as the venues increase in size. For now, they’ll make do with the diminutive Tut's, supported by ace synth-smith Deastro.  

8pm, £8.50

Also playing Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh on 19 Sep.