Someone's Watching Me! Geoff Barrow on They Live!

Geoff Barrow recommends a score and a film from Carpenter's vault (spoiler alert: there's no horror!)

Feature by Geoff Barrow | 29 Oct 2010
They Live

Assault on Precinct 13 OST (1976)

I always listen to Assault on Precinct 13 in the car, and it’s amazing how long it doesn’t feel like there’s any need for movement. He’s quite happy with it being on a very simple level without filling it up with shit, percussion or whatever. The payoff is you’ve got this really discordant note that threads through the whole theme, then it bends down to be in tune. That Terminator soundtrack, they’ve got to have listened to Carpenter.

Ade always talks about The Thing soundtrack, I know that less because it’s a horror film – it scares me! All that unnecessary stress, that someone’s behind a door and they’re going to jump out. I mean, why would you want that in your life? I’ve got kids and intense thoughts going through my brain just talking about real life, I don’t want extra shit.

They Live (1988)

I was in L.A on our last tour, walking down this road, and I stopped at a magazine rack and then looked up left and realised it was exactly where the main character had the realisation scene with his glasses on. And I was like 'fucking hell, I’m there!' I was a massive wrestling fan when I was younger, and Rowdy Roddy Piper was brilliantly cast in this. I love the way they filmed the scenes in the TV studio at the end. We also made an Invada shirt that’s a still from the scene where the politician’s stood up in front of the sign saying ‘Obey’ behind him. What that film means... it's brilliant.