A Rough Guide to Doseone

Feature by Ali Maloney | 30 Jun 2010

Doseone & Boom Bip – Circle (Leaf, 2000)
Possibly the weirdest hip-hop album ever recorded, Dose bounces off angular production to explore every possible facet of his voice; the result is a critical textbook for anyone with delusions of performance poetry.

Themselves – THEM (Anticon, 2000)
Despite the seemingly simple beats and raps configuration, there is no shortage of jaw-dropping pyrotechnics and originality on show here. An indispensible banger, even for those who normally shy from Dose’s more experimental output.

Themselves – The No Music (Anticon, 2002)
With this album, Dose and Jel not only re-invented themselves as a most forward thinking hip-hop team, but reinvented the entire genre. Dadaist rap swagger anthems and avant-glitch sculptures keep it more real than a million gold studded crunk pretenders.

cLOUDEAD Ten (Mush, 2004)
Dose and WHY? trade expansive raps and platitudes over Odd Nosdam’s dream-like sound collage in a sublime powerhouse of free-ambient soundscape-hop. This collection of 12"s defined the advancement of hip-hop for the arthouse generation.

Subtle – For Hero : For Fool (Lex, 2006)
A six-piece expansion of Themselves’ outerlimit hip-hop, Subtle shed a lot of the psychedelic freak-out of their initial recordings and picked up a fuzzy pop sensibility along the way. The sheer beauty of the songs belie dense arrangements that would make Brian Wilson dizzy.

Themselves play Stereo, Glasgow on 23 Jul and Electric Circus, Edinburgh on 24 Jul