
Another view on Fishamble's tour de force

Feature by Emma Snellgrove | 18 Aug 2011
Silent @ Dance Base


Fishamble is an award winning company, acclaimed internationally. Pat Kinevane has been an actor in theatre film, television and radio for 22 years and has brought evoking and exciting works to the forefront of Irish performance.

In a personal monologue. Pat Kinevane moves successfully under the direction of Jim Culleton’s intelligent direction. Silent, a tragic comedy of Rudolph Valentino, told by homeless McGoldrig, wraps the audience up in an amorous tale of a man who’s loosing his mind. This mysterious figure yields and curls in a poetic and touching monologue of being a homeless man on the streets, he takes you through the tragic episodes of his life where loss and humiliation are unavoidable memories.

An array of strategically scattered props around the floor, loud bursts of music and voice overs pull the performance around in the space, ever unfolding the darkness and joy of a hunting past.

Kinevane has an innate sense of comedic timing and pace throughout the performance that makes for a tragic tale more digestible.

Gradually the simple props pull the story apart. As Kinevane moves around the floor with utter madness which fills the room with electricity he soon dives into flamboyant text and movement with such ease and admirable skill that the characters he conjures feel ever more real and intensely thought provoking.

These characters have have embellished Rudolph Valenino‘s life. and are torn apart with acute procession “obsessive compulsive, press 3456 repeatedly and someone will answer shortly.”


Dance Base

5 - 21 Aug, 8pm